Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hidden behind the idols you adore...

Okay, well, I wasn't feeling great all evening, so instead of flipping through the channels, I decided to just leave it on the channel I had it on. And it ended up American Idol was coming on. I have seen part of the show before, but only during the initial auditions, when all the horrible people were on and I got to laugh at them. I never saw a regular episode of it.

Until this week. I made some notes on all of them. These are kinda stream of consciousness thing, cause it's just what came to me. In order of thier appearance...

Ace: Singing: so-so; looks: WHOA! Hot! He's got a killer hairthing! Too bad his voice isn't killer as well.
Kellie: "No idea what I'm doin" is what she said, and she couldn't have been more correct. She's got a great personality, but her singing was subdued and not terribly good.
Elliott: SOunded good at the beginning, got worse once he stood up. Was not impressed.
Mandisa: Liked her voice, has potential, but this time, wasn't all the great. Maybe she should have kept her shoes on.
Bucky: He cleans up pretty good, don't he? Nice hairthing, but rather girly. (Hah, Simons called it Jessica SImpson hair!) Still, the best so far.
Melissa: Nice voice, but forgot the lyrics. Not impressed with her either.
Lisa: Nice voice. Very good job.
Kevin: What the HELL is he even doing on here? Not that good, but very fun to watch, he's obviously enjoying himself. Quirky enough to make other enjoy him too. He won't win, but he'll be the underdog everyone roots for until he's voted off. Which shouldn't take too long.
Katharine:Nice looks, but she WAAAY oversang it. Tried too hard. Too much screeching like Christina Whore-gulera. Hated her.
Taylor: Don't like heis moves, but he does have a good grasp of the song. Not the best but definately passionate.
Paris: What a voice! she can move. Possibly the best of the night.
Chris:I agree with Simon, the best of the night. Incredible voice. My favorite of the night. ANd the man simply oozes sexiness and hotness!

My favorite: Chris. Other good ones: Paris, Bucky, Lisa. Least favorite: Katharine (although I know she won't get voted off from what the judges were saying). Others: Elliott, Kellie, Mandisa, and yeah, poor Kevin.

But now I have to wait for tomorrow night for the results. Arggh!

POLT = listening to the TV for the weather forecast

"This guy is an idiot!" "I'm smart enough to sleep with men!" - Jack, Will & Grace

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