Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Through the window came a plaintive funeral hymn...

Testicular Tuesdays With Johnnie

This Tuesday I will be presenting my much coveted "Balls of the Week Award" (not given every week, we'll try to get the columns in eachweek before we try that). (ooooo, Balls Of The Week Award.....I could add that to the Palace, I've got plenty of photos. I'm just saying... - Polt) This week the award goes to Fred Phelps. Phelps is a conservative, gospel preacher who feels "You can't preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God." He's been taking his congregation around protesting over 100 funerals of soldiers. The reason they feel it's important for them to do this is because the military is representing a country that "accepts homosexuality." These aren't even gay soldiers. Not that that would make it ok, but it would at least make some fraction of sense. They carry signs around saying things such as "Thank God for IEDs." For those of you that don't know, those are the roadside bombs that have killed so many soldiers in Iraq.

Some how Phelps has managed to not get him and his congregation killed. Now that takes balls. In case you're wondering who would follow this lunatic around, it's mostly his family. He's got 13 kids, 54 grandkids and 7 great grand children. So the bad news is they're reproducing, but the good news is they stay in one location, so that's fairly easy to fix (perhaps the whole freaking bunch of them should be personally introduced to an IED! - Polt) . Several states are discussing banning protests at funerals now. I don't think that's a bad idea. Whatever message you want to send, I think it can wait until the mourners are finished. I'm a fan of free speech, but there's limits. So enjoy your award, Mr. Phelps, hopefully those big balls make great targets.

(A bit ago, I asked Johnnie if he wanted me to keep using the photo I had been or if there was another one he wanted me to use. The above photo is what he sent me. Any questions, comments or statements may be made to Johnnie throught the comment section of this post. - Polt)

POLT = listening to "High And Dry" by Radiohead

Come the millennium, in the month 12, in the home of the greatest power, the village idiot will come forth, to be acclaimed leader. - Nostradamus, 1555


Anonymous said...

I have to agree, I don't know how Phelps or his lunatic followers have not been capped yet. I will bet you money it will happen though, and I will not shed a tear.


Polt said...

I don't want him dead, that's too easy really. I'd love to see him jail, though, for a long period of time, where he can spout his views while getting to know, Biblically, a large, muscular, tattooed, tough cellmate.

Verification word: tyuei