Friday, March 03, 2006

Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies....

So let me see if I got this all straight....

No records can be found of Bushie reporting for his National Guard training back during Vietnam that his daddy's connections got for him so he wouldn't have to go to war, but Bushie lies and says he reported for the duty and...nothing happens.

Bushie has several meeting with corrupt and indicted lobbyist Abramoff but when confronted lies and says he's never met the man and....nothing happens.

Bushie lies to us about Iraq, invades, gets over 2000 American soldiers and countless innocent Iraqi citizens killed and....nothing happens.
Bushie is briefed about how bad Katrina will be, and then after it hits, and the people of New Orleans are trapped and suffering, he lies and says no one could have forseen the levees would break, and no one knew how bad it was gonna be and...nothing happens.

Clinton lies about an Oval Office blow job and....he's impeached.

Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

POLT = listening to "What Is Love" by Haddaway

People who live outside society are the ones who can see how it works. - Christopher Rice


emanoyhl said...

Yeah, it seems the American public is more screwed up than who we put in office...



Polt said...

well how they cast thier votes would certiainly seem to indicate that. But that's of the people who voted, not those that didnt, Mr. Kaspadapilopidous! Know what I'm saying, eh? :)
