Monday, March 13, 2006

I have always been a storm...

SO I see on tonight's news that over the weekend, Missouri and areas surrounding it, got hammered with over 100 tornados. And in Northern Texas and Oklahoma, wildfires have raged for over two weeks, because of a drought there. In Texas alone an area the size of Rhode Island has burnt.

And all I can do is wonder, since there's no Mardi Gras, or Gay Days or siazable gay populations in any of these areas, who can Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell and thier ilk blame these natural disasters on? The only large group in that area are the Bible thumpers who follow those I mentioned above.

Maybe, just maybe, this is God's way of telling them to be less judgemental, and more accepting and loving of their fellow man. Not that they'd heed the message, even if that was why it happened.

POLT = listening to "The Great Beyond" by R.E.M.

Soy o un peridor, I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me? - Beck, Loser

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