Sunday, March 19, 2006

Vendetta on the 13th floor....

This evening, I went to see "V For Vendetta" with Ghostie, and another friend of mine whom I'll call Gilligan. I used to work with them at Borders. At any rate, I got there a half hour early (misjudged the time, I did), and was just going to walk around the Mall, except the Mall was closing (at 630 on a Sunday! I hate living in the boonies!). So I hung out around the theater, luckily they had a nice lobby to sit in. Once they both arrived we gave our tickets and went in.

I don't normally get anything to eat there, as I think the whole thing's a racket. But I hadn't had a lot to eat, and the movie wouldn't be getting out until like 930, so I thought I'd get some popcorn and Pepsi to tide myself over. I saw they had 'combos', and number 3 was a medium popcorn and medium soda. OKay, that I can do.

I ordered it and it was $8.75. Damn rip off I thought. And then kid put a 50 gallon drum of soda in front of me. And this bag, with more square footage inside than most mobile homes, filled with popcorn. I mean both of these could easily feed a family of four for at least three meals! And this was a MEDIUM! God forbid I had ordered and extra large drink, they'd just have backed the tanker truck full of Pepsi into the theater nest to me, and hooked me into it, I suppose. I did manage to finished the drink, as the popcorn was so salty, but I've still got some of the popcorn here, about half a bag, sitting beside me right now.

Anyway, the previews showed several movies. One was the upcoming Superman movie. I'm still somewhat ambivalent about it, i do NOT like the new costume, nor do I like the choice of the actress to play Lois Lane. But I gotta tell ya, the preview itself....seeing Superman flying up into the sunset that way.....gave me goosebumps it did. SO I'm looking a bit more forward to that.

Then, there was "Poseidon" a remake of the "Poseidon Adventure" with Kurt Russell, Richard Dreyfuss, Andre Baugher, and a bunch of other people I didn't recognize. Typical. Instead of trying to make a new original film, Hollywood sticks with re-make crap from the 70's. Not that the "Poseidon Adventure" was crap, it wasn't. Oh, sure Shelley Winters hammed it up like nobody's business, and everyone wanted to slap the whiney, screamy chick, and we ALL wanted to drown the know-it-all kid, but I enjoyed it when I saw it in the theater as a kid, and I've even caught it on some cable channels. But why, oh WHY would anyone WANT to make a remake? Is there a demand, a huge groundswell for this? oh well, whatever....that's Hollywood.

So, anyway, the movie itself. I enjoyed it. Great 'look' to the film, that's always important. Natalie Portman's accent comes and goes at times, but that's a minor quibble. I LOVED the message the movie was sending, and despite the fact it depicts a Great Britain some 20 years or so in the future, it's very relevant to today's USA. It's got it's message out without being overbearing I thought. ALthough, I will add (and this isn't a spoiler cause I saw it in the previews for the film) blowing up Parliment somewhat disturbed me. YEs, I understand why it was done, why it HAD to be done...but I wonder, how the British will feel about that depicted. Despite the reasons why, I would NOT have enjoyed the Capitol building being blown up, even for the same reasons. But again, this is a minor thing, it did NOT detract from the movie as a whole. Very enjoyable flick. I'd recommend it.

POLT = listening to "Circles" by Soul Coughing

I'd rather be black than gay, because when you're black, you don't have to tell your mother. - Charles Pierce

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