Thursday, March 23, 2006

An unwrapped gift from me to you...

As I mentioned previously, I'm attending a wedding this Saturday. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Ghostie and I are going, and we picked out gifts together off the registry at Bed Bath And Beyond. But my portion of the gifts have just been laying around here doing nothing, and not getting themselves wrapped.

So this evening when Ag came up, I asked her to supervise me wrapping them. And to commemorate the ordeal, we took photos!

This is me, pre-gift wrap. See how anxious I look (two beers prior to attempting to wrap will give you a look like that).

Cutting the paper was dangerous, one never knows when one might cut at a bad angle, or slice one's finger off! (especially after a few beers)

Ag helped with some of (and by some of, I mean the vast majority of) the wrapping.

And here I am, proudly displaying the wrapped items!

It all came out good in the end! No scissor slices, no paper cuts, no unsightly tears in the paper, no unseemly bulges of excess paper. Just a fine, Ag induced wrap job!

POLT = listening to "Girlfriend In A Coma" by The Smiths

Six times in forty-five minutes? Not since I was eighteen! - Emmett, Queer As Folk


Ryan said...

i need 2 come 2 your school of wrapping. hehe

emanoyhl said...

let's hope the couple hasn't seen the "surprise" gifts on your blog... lol

you should've blotched out the gifts... hehe


Polt said...

Ryan: I attended the Auntie Ag school of wrapping, where it's done mostly for you! Great school to go to!

Manny: I didn't think either the bride or the groom even had my blog address, but I found out at the wedding they DID! but neither of them checked it recently, thankfully! :)

verification word:jwtojf