Saturday, March 04, 2006

I'm reviewing the situation, and I'm a bad 'un....

Found this online today at work...I don't recall who wrote it, it was a reveiwer on or something, and they were writing about the Oscars, specifically, the anti-Brokeback sentiments from the Right Wingnuts, and this part I found humorous.

Steven D. Greydanus, film reviewer for the online Decent Films Guide, argues that "Brokeback" is a flat-out indictment of masculinity. And, he declares, it "may be the most profoundly anti-Western ever made, not only post-modern and post-heroic, but post-Christian and post-human." You'd have to say that all those "posts" pretty much cover the ground -- though watching the actual movie, it's hard to keep abstract theory in mind, what with all that distracting truth and beauty.

Conservative talk-show host Michael Medved advises taking a big dose of "March of the Penguins" (Best Documentary Feature nom) to ward off infection from "Brokeback"'s abhorrent agenda: homosexuality, adultery and bad parenting. In Medved's deeply Disneyized notion of nature, the adorable emperor penguins live out all the values Lee's cowboys flout.

Even monkey love can be prophylactic in the battle against "Brokeback"'s anti-values: "King Kong"'s characters "exemplify feminine virtue, masculine heroism and romantic love," trumpets Don Feder, compiler of "The 10 Best Conservative Movies of 2005." "Heroic" animals and "romantic" interspecies love affairs may be heaven sent, but when a couple of lonely humans hook up, all hell breaks loose.

I see, big monkey + woman = heroic and romantic, BUT man + man = "abhorrent agenda". Riiiight. Ya know, in the movie, the entire sex scene, if it can even be called that, takes less than a minute and is in no way graphic. The rest of the movie is a love story. It's crazy that we can show one cowboy kill another one, and that movie gets an Oscar (Deadwood, or whatever that thing was Clint Eastwood directed a few years ago), but showing a cowboy love another cowboy, and there's an uproar. I can do nothing but shake my head slowly in amazement.

POLT = listening to "Breathe" by Prodigy

Sorry, I got tied up. Well, actually, HE was. See, I met this cop. - Brian , Queer As Folk

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