Thursday, March 09, 2006

Show the logo, my shadow tags on behind...

Today, as I was wrapping things up at work (oh, work today...but that's a subject for another post), I was packing up my briefcase, and I saw and evelope in there. It contained my registration for my car, and the yearly stickers we need to have on our tags.

And then I realized, it was March 9th, and my old tags expired February 28th. I've been driving around for over a week with expired tags, which is punishable by a hefty fine, so I'm told! As I left, I had thought I'd put them on when I got home. But then i thought, no, now that I KNOW they're not on, and I have them with me, THIS is the time I'd get pulled over for it. So I put the briefcase in the car and went around back to put the tags on.

And when I got there I saw I didn't have last year's tags either! There was about three other years' tags one on top of the other, and i remember putting last year's on top of them, but over the course of the year, last year's must have blown or fallen off! God only knows how long I've been driving without tags at all!

I stuck the tag on another part of the plate, making sure it was firmly stuck. And thanked my lucky stars as I got in the car and drove home. But now I'm paranoid, I checked the tag when I got home. I'll be checking it all the time to make sure it's still there. Course, I don't know what, if any, course of action I have if I discover they're gone again!

POLT = listening to "Possession" by Sarah McLaughlin

I'm still gloriously drunk on this magnificent wine and a night ill-spent with this lovely lad! - Cluracan, Sandman #27

1 comment:

emanoyhl said...


it actually doesn't matter if they are on or not - as long as you have the current registration - you can remain tagless, but carry that paper... only - you'll get pulled over everytime... apparantly NOT in waynesboro though... you know, i've never even seen a cop while i was there? hmmmmmmm
