Friday, March 31, 2006

Deep in the heart of Texas...

So, I see a new visitor to the Palace, Velma. She left a comment and added herself to my blogmap. It's the two buttons over there on the left above the blog poll. She added herself, and is the first person to do so since Nov. of last year. Thank you Velma. Now, all of you others out there who visit the Palace and have yet to let me know where you are from (and you KNOW who you are) just add yourself to my map. I mean, it's such a small thing, but it gives me such joy.

Find the blogpoll off on the left there. Yeah, the big blue box with the writing inside. Well right above that, you'll see two buttons. If you click on the upper one, this nifty little box with appear on your screen and using that, you can add yourself to my guest map.

There. Now you know how to. Knock yourselves out, kiddies.

Oh, and you can check out good ol' Velma right here.

POLT = listening to "Tell It Like It T-I-Is" by the B-52's

Tell your friends not to think out loud, until they swallow. - Nickelback

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