Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Compromise, now reflect, but not too long...

Yesterday I got home in the afternoon and there was a message on my machine. It was from Donna at my Credit Union. I needed to call her back, because she needed to talk to me about my debit card. Naturally, I immediately started to panic. Had I overdrawn my checking by using the card? Was there not enough money in savings to cover it? I get paid Thursday, hopefully they could wait until then to allow me to cover it all?

So I called and spoke to her. Apparently what happened was, some business sent them a list with card numbers that had possibly been compromised. And my card was on the list. This didn't mean my card had been used, just that it might have been. SO they closed the account on that card, and said I should destroy it. And that they'd send me a new card in 7-10 days. ANd then I'm supposed to check my statement to see if there's any unauthorized transactions. (Wonder if I can claims the money I spent on the wedding gifts as unauthorized? Nah, better not...)

And I was all happy and glad they were being so proactive. And then it hit me. I had 10 bucks in my wallet, no debit card to buy anything with, and no debit card to get money out of the ATM. And no way to get to the credit union before it closes after work. And I'll be like that for 7-10 days. ..............damn......... But luckily, Mama Polt gave me some cash, and I'll return it, once I can get to an ATM.

Damn modern technology...it's our blessing AND our curse!

POLT = listening to "Supersonic" by Oasis

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun. - Billy Joel, Only The Good Die Young

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