Sunday, February 05, 2006

Insect royalty live inside of me...

So I'm on way to get ready to go to the party. But earlier today, I finished up my second book of the year. It is as follows.

Yeah, not really heavy reading or anything. Kinda like the National Enquirer of Historical Royalty...but still, it was rather juicy, what with all the sex and murder and dysfunctional families and inter family warfare and inbreeding and wars and etc, etc, etc. It only took me 6 days to read it. Not Noble Prize stuff, but interesting, if you're into that sorta thing.

Now I'm off to prepare.....go Seahawks!

POLT = listening to "All These Things That I Have Done" by The Killers

Trust me, I know chins! I have several of them! - Debbie, Queer As Folk

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