Monday, February 13, 2006

I've got you under my skin....

Today, I finished the book "Mysterious Skin". I had seen the movie last fall, and gotten the book for Christmas, and started it February 5, and 8 days later, I'm done with it. The movie follows it pretty accurately. There's more details int he book, as is usually the case. A few times during the last two chapters, I cried. Books rarely have that effect on me, this one did. The scenes involving the kids in the beginning of the movie and Neil's last trick in the movie were muhc more disturbing in the film than in the book. But I guess sometimes, some images are simply more powerful and 'real' than lines in a book. And this was the case here.

Still, a good read. I wish I wrote as well as Scott Heim does. I'd love to be a published writer. but the closest I'll probably ever get is the blog you're reading right now.

POLT = listening to "Love Will Tear Us Apart Again" by The Joy Division

That is why we dread children, even if we love them. They show us the state of our decay. - Biran Aldiss

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will have to check out the book. Thanks for the information.
