Monday, February 27, 2006

My life, bad religion, I'm beggin for relief...

Last week at one point, I was going to the Palace for one reasons or another. Because I am a fast, but not so accurate typist, I misspelled the address. And i was taken a religious site! The Abundant Bible or something! I was shocked! I mean, it's just a juxtaposition of two letters, you can see it for yourself: . as you can hopefully see, it's at blogPSot, not blogSPot. And it takes you to a religious site. So what this tells me is, some religious type, with waaaay too much time on his hands, stumbled upon the Palace, and then decided that they'd get the domain for the Palace, and change two letters so that someone might go there instead of reaching the Palace, and they might read the stuff there, have an epiphany and lo and behold, they'd see the light from heaven and hear the choir of cherubs and be born again and sin no more! HALLELUAH!!!!!!! Give him praise and glor-AH!


I heard of things like this happening, like someone getting and making in an anti-Bush site, when the real one is or what have you. But that's hte White House, not some rinky dink little thing like Polt's Palace. It would seem that I would be beneath anyoen's notice. Some people just have more time and more money than they do brains.

But then again, if they're wasting thier time doing this, then they're not out gay bashing someone's head in for Christ. So that's a good thing.

POLT = listening to "Higher Ground" by The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Gay men in thier twenties and thirties often retain the escapist energy and maturity level of straight teens whose parents are out of town. - Patrick Price

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