Monday, February 20, 2006

Tonight I'm cleaning out my closet...

Last night Aggie and I made an agreement: if I took her out to breakfast this morning, she would help me clean my kitchen. (She's seen my kitchen, she knew what condition it was in, I don't know WHAT she was thinking, but I've learned never to look a gift from a faghag in the mouth...or something like that...)

So this morning, somehow I drug my fat ass outta bed at 830 and we left at the designated time, 900. We ate at the Breakfast buffet at Mountain Gate. Was good food: pancakes, scrambled eggs, fried potoates, waffles, french toast, all kinds of sauces, toast, fruit, milk, juices, donuts, sausage and bacon and a bunch of other stuff I KNOW I'm forgetting. At any rate, we left and I still wasn't awake, Ag even commented on it.

But on our way to the Dollar Store (to get supplies, God know I don't have any cleaning supplies in my apartment. And if I did, well, I'm certain they either expired or evaporated a LONG time ago), we drove past a farm, and for some reason, that made me think of Green Acres. So naturally, i had to sing the song, acting it out as best I could in the passenger seat of her as well. As she said, "Hmm, I guess the sugar from the syrup kicked in!" And indeed it had! SInging Green Acres, Golddigga, and My Lumps, became order of the day.

So we got what we needed and returned home. And then came the mopping of the floor. Which Ag did, cause obviously I'm incapable of doing it myself. Well, I did sweep up the floor beforehand, so that was my contribution. Oh, and the suggestion of mimosas while the cleaning was being done, that was mine too. This was probably at 1030 am or so. She told me she had to be to work at 300, and I reminded her that I was talking about MIMOSAS! Champagne AND orange juice! She thought about it a second and said, "Eh, it'll help take the edge off this mess."

So I poured us each a mimosa, and we what I'm not sure any more, but I got a photo of us toasting!

Then the cleaning commenced in full force, as you can see from the following photos. And it was not only the floor, but the sink as well.

She took time, while the floor was drying to take a photo of what I was doing while the cleaning commenced.

Hey, offering moral support and encouragment can be tiring. I had to sit down. And the mimosa kept me company. Who are you to judge? And I mean, come on, I DID have to walk to the basement to get her jug of Clorox to help clean the sink. (I had no Clorox. What possible need could I have for Clorox?) But when it was all done, she joined me on the couch in the living room watching the Dog Whisperer on TV. And we sipped our drinks and relaxed.

WHen she had to leave for work, I went to the kitchen, and did my dishes, yes all by myself. They had been there for....oh I don't know three weeks maybe. ( I RINSE them off before I put them there, there was NO mold or fungus growing, so don't even think it!) ANd then I came in here nad posted this for you...finishing my mimosa while doing so. (Yes, there was a lot to drink, take a look again and the size of the glass! They're supposed to be made in champagne flutes, But I figured there was pretty big edge Ag needed taken off, so there you go...)

And this was just the first room. I've still got more rooms to clean. And there's the laundry I put off to do this today...Oh, where WILL I find the time?

POLT = listening to "Laid" by James

If your plane was hijacked, who would you rather sit next to? Righteous reverends who will sit back and say, "This is God's punishment for gay teletbubbies!" or the gay rugby player who lays down his life to save others? - Scott Simon

1 comment:

JP said...

So this is what is supposed to be done on Presidents day? I Loathe Cleaning. Glad you had help...and drinks. Drinks are great! YAY DRINKS!