Sunday, February 12, 2006

Oh the weather outside is frightful...

So the big snow storm we were supposed to get, turned out to be a dud. We might have gotten two inches, IF that. And it was all melting anyway by midmorning. The roads were clear and barely wet.

But then i checked the news. New York City got nearly 27 inches of snow. Columbia Maryland, a short hour from here, got 21 inches of snow, as well as Connecticut, New Jersey and Philly. MAN! Weird. We're not more than 5 hours away from New York, and less from Philly, and we got basically nothing. Just enough to cover the ground and coat the trees and make everything look pretty and wintery. no heavy shoveling at all. I love snow, but hate shoveling.

Good thing I don't live in a large coastal metropolis.

POLT = listening to "Ya Mama" by Fatboy Slim

Only we didn't cum, so it doesn't count! - Mike, Queer As Folk

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