Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Reunion, together this time, reunion, forever be mine...

So, Just finished watching the Project Runway reunion. And now, after the show, before the Finale, what do I have to say about the designers?

The two that got kicked out of the first episode (I don't even remember their names): the chick is the stereotypical redneck blonde white trash from the South. (didn't know what Auf Veideisen meant, seemed at a loss over Reymundo and his origins) The guy, well congrats on losing hte weight, he looks much better.

The chick that got kicked out of the second episode (don't remember her name either): I think she looks statuesque and attractive in a weird sort of way. But for her and the first two, we didn't get to know much about them on the show, and even less on the reunion special.

Reymundo: I still think he's cute, although someone really ought to introduce him to a good orthodontist.

Daniel Franco: Waaaay too trippy. Loved that he confronted Santino during the lingerie episode on the runway. And he took responsiblity for the errors of his team and SHOULD have stayed longer. That's the episode Santino should have gone down. Would be nice to see him on Season 3. :)

Guadalupe: Courney Love is not a good role model. Showing up high on TV is not a way to further your fashion career. Jeez, she's probably STILL prattering on answering Tim's question even now!

Diana: far be it from me to agree with Santino, but she does have a very whiney voice. Very timid. Reminds me a deer caught int he headlights or something.

Marla: I felt bad for Marla. She seemed like a genuinely nice and pleasant lady. But she was clearly out of her league. Still, she does own her own business, which is something I dont' think any of the other ones do. You go, Marla.

Emmett: I never really cared about him. he seemed to always be on a constant Prozac drip: no emotion.

Zulema: Still a bitch. nuff said.

Andrae: Still likable. Someone needs to find "Where the HELL is my chiffon!" as a wav file somewhere and send it to me! I wanna put it on my computer, my ringtone, my iPod, etc, etc, etc.

Nick: I wanted to hear more about the falling out between him and Santino. He shoul still be there, in the final three. And Santino should be off practicing his impressions somewhere else.

Kara: Didn't focus too much on her. Which was fine with me. Over her!

the final three:
Daniel V: still my favorite.
Chloe: liking her too.
Santino: he must be fucking one or more of the producers, as this reunion show could almost have been called The Santino Show! Waaayy too much coverage. i guess if you're an ass, they give you a lot of camera time. he needs to choke on a sequin, crawl under a rock and die.

So nothing left, right, but the two part finale! Whoo-Hoo!

POLT = listening to "Porcelian" by Moby

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. - Joseph Stalin


emanoyhl said...

i totally agree - even though i haven't seen an episode since nick was still on - so i have to live vicariously through this blog... dang santino - if he wins i'll never watch the show AGAIN! - sidebar - how true with the Stalin comment... (and in RED too) ;)

Anonymous said...

I feel like I wasted time watching the reunion episode. I did enjoy seeing parts that were not on the show before. I was happy to see Chloe and Daniel coming off the show looking good. GO CHLOE!!!!


emanoyhl said...

oh i forgot to mention i too would like that wav file - as well as the part when that guy (i can't remember his name, the baldie twig) broke down on the runway and said "it was a testimony" - that part... he said it "test-i-moOoan-ee" lol

dan said...

Stop your hatin' on Santino.
He was the life of the show. And Daniel V. is just a boy.
It all comes down to the final show.
I wish someone would theorize on the exact dosage and type of drugs Guadalupe was on.
I agree Marla seemed nice but lost, Diana was whiney and mousy.
I think that Santino was the life of the show and I have a feeling that the next episode might reveal a bit more than what the heavily edited episodes do. We'll see.

Polt said...

emanoyhl: Andrae was the one who said that, and yes, he's said a number of things I'd like to have in wav files!

Amie: yeah, the reunion show was really just a show of clips from previous shows. Kind of a let down.

Dan: Santino was a ass. (and since it's my blog, I get to do the hatin on whomever I chose, nyah, nyah, nyah :) ) I'm convinced the only reason he was selected to stay and Daniel Franco kicked off, was because the producers could see all the drama and conflict that Santino was gonna create and that's why they had him kept on. And on a less personal level: his designs suck. He puts too much stuff on them, and they look too busy and there's too much going on with them. A "simple black dress" to him would have seven layers and 4 different colors and rows of sequins all over it. The man does have a vision, but schizophrenics have visions as well. And so do people on hallucinigens. SO the "vision thing" is overrated if you vision results in crap. But your comments on Guadalope...RIGHT ON BROTHER! :)

emanoyhl said...

haha this is turning out to be a "santino" blog now - santino comment blog - i totally agree!! what lingerie has freakin' "froo-froo" on it? (that was the technical term folks!) - i totally agree with your simple black dress theory that he'd have 7 layers on it - lol - a pair of "santino sunglasses" would have tassles and 18 lenses dangling from it...

Anonymous said...


Tell us the truth. Are you an antagonist? Do you love to play devil's advocate? I can only imagine someone who is like Santino would think Santino is great. Chris is right (just this once) his outfits are over done and out of control.

GO!!!! CHLOE!!!!


Anonymous said...

Did you ever find a wav or an mp3 of "Where the hell is my chiffon?"

It's my goal to find it today and make it a ringtone for my friends.

Drop me a note if you do