Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Don't need no one trying to make me over....

Poor Nick got booted on Project Runway tonight. He was clearly talented, but also, the outfit he made was pretty bad. I'm just SO glad Daniel had immunity from last week, cause they said he woulda been gone otherwise, and really, his outfit was horrendous. Is it just me or is Santino becoming more and more irritating each week? Chloe, yeah, she's my second favorite. And really, her outfit WAS the best of them all. Hopefully, Santino gets kicked next week, but I don't think he will. I'm sure the producers want him around to stir up shit and create drama in the final three.

Oh, well, goodbye Nick. He would make a cool gay uncle. (uncle...hell, he's younger than me...)

POLT = listening to "Running" by No Doubt

I feel passionately in the depths of my being that in the last resort, NOTHING MATTERS! - Rick Whitaker


Anonymous said...

What about Kara?
She's total dead wood. The outfit she designed tonight was Santino's idea -- including those madras pants that Nina Garcia just fawned over. If anyone deserved to go it was Kara. They just put Nick up against Santino to make you hate Santino more. Daniel V. has become a bit of an arrogant little boy hasn't he these last few episodes. But in the full equation you know that Kara has deserved to hgave been cut weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Why is there nothing writen about my brilliant thought that they would make over each other? If I remember correctly (and I am sure that I do) you were the one that thought they would bring someone back from another show to make over. Let's repeat after me - Amie was right, I will never doubt her again. ;)

Anyway, I believe that the next to go will be Kara. I think that she is not a strong designer. Although I dislike Santino's attitude I think he is a better designer. I think the last three will be Daniel, Chloe, and Santino. I would like Daniel or Chloe to be the over all winner.

Polt said...

DAN: yeah, i forgot to metion Kara. She's been coasting for quite some time. Never the best, and when she was bad, there was always someone worse. I too think she'll be gone, cause she really is the least talented of the remaining four.

AMIE: 1) FINALLY! another comment from you! Yippee!!! 2) I don't recall that conversation at all. I've blocked it out of my memory. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 3) I'd love to see Santino NOT make it to the last three, just cause he's so damn arrogant, but yes, I too think Kara will go next. Or at least she SHOULD go next!