Thursday, February 09, 2006

In the end, you are my one true friend...

How do you know your TRUE friends from just casual ones?

If you're willing to wrap your hand around each other's naughty bits for a nearly naked photo, then, man, THAT makes you true friends!

Or gay.

I guess the guy on the left is Otto the local pervert. One gets the feeling he just jumped into the photo at the last minute. The guy next to him is not only shielding the boys from the photo, but from Otto as well. And the next guy has his hand inbetween Otto and the second guy. The body language is ALL wrong for them to want Otto to be there. Course, if I were Otto, well, I'd have a hard time NOT doing what he is too!

POLT = listening to "Push" by Madonna

I'm worse than scum, I', what's worse than scum? - Emmett, Queer As Folk


Anonymous said...

Seriously gay.
Not even a question. The one on the left certainly. The other boys are most curious. I was in a fraternity. I can vouch for this stuff happening ALL the time.

Polt said...

Ohhh, Dan, a frat boy! man, would I LOVE to hear some of your initiation stories! Do tell, sweetie, do tell!!!!