Monday, February 13, 2006

Like the lies we write on Valentines....

I hate Valentine's Day. There, I've said it. And I feel good about saying it. I shall hereon refer to this day as Black Tuesday, or more generally VD!

I have never liked the day. Back in Junior and Senior High, we were able to purchase, prior to VD, flowers to be given, anonymously, to someone else in the school. They are red carnations if you LOVED someone, pink carnations if you LIKED someone, and white carnations if you were FRIENDS with someone. And then they were distributed on VD. One year I got a white one and then my senior year I got two white ones. That was it. While SOME people would have a veritible florist shop on thier desks! ANd others, they NEVER got ANY flowers. How do you think they felt? And back in elementary school, we made these little mailboxes where we could put those cheap little Dinsey type Valentines in the mailboxes of other people. I always got a few of those, and gave a few out. BUt then in 5th and 6th grades, I made sure i had a little valentine for everyone in my class and gave them each one. I don't know if I did this cause my mom suggested it, or I came up with it myself, but I remember I didn't like the way the kids looked who didn't get ANY valentines at all. Kinda like Charlie Brown in that special of his.

On two seperate occasions, I was dating someone over VD, and they both did very sweet little things for me, and I thanked them and it was nice, but it didn't change my opinion of this "holiday". VD, along with Mother's Day and Father's Day are what I call 'Forced Holidays'. They're 'holidays' when you are FORCED to tell someone you love them. If I love my mom, my dad and my partner, I'm gonna tell them that throughout the year, not just when Hallmark tells me to tell them.

That's why I refuse to acknowledge or celebrate VD!

Although....were someone looking to get me anything for VD, these guys would be a great idea!

They've got candy, gifts, song, and well, yeah, their own cute naked selves. I wouldn't turn these boys away, and I'd be HIGHLY appreciative of whomever sent them.

I'm just suggesting...

POLT = listening to "Mama Told Me Not To Come" by Three Dog Night

Some boys don't just come out of the closet, they explode! - Queer As Folk, British version

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