Tuesday, February 28, 2006

You can't understand, how i could just kill a man...

I wasn't going to post again tonight, as it's late and I need to get to bed, but I just HAVE to post this. I just got done watching Kill Bill Vol. 1 on cable.

I am not a fan of Tarantino films, generally. And I am not a fan of gratuitous blood, gore and violence. That's why I didn't see the film in the theaters. But I heard all the critics raving about it, so I thought maybe there's something to it, and i wanted to see it sometime. And now I have. And I'm GLAD I did!

Yes there was blood, gore and violence in it, but it was so...over the top, so campy, as to almost be cartoonish, and I had no problems with it. And as for the movie as a whole, hell I even laughed out loud at part. I mean what's not to like? It starts with a quote from Star Trek;it's got a gun in a cereal box; a Japanese teenage villianous that would fit in any Bond film; a swordfight scene that reminded me of a Bruce Lee fight scene but without the fisticuffs or something out of the Matrix; some Crouching TIger, Hidden Dragon kinda moves; severed heads, arms, legs, and even the ripping out of an eyeball; a GREAT scene where she gets revenge on the guy who was raping her while she was comatose; cute Asian guys in Kato masks; lots of great music, played at the perfect moments; a Japanese dance club; a knife fight with a suburban housewife; the "Pussy Wagon"; flashbacks told in anime; switching from black and white to color; and Daryl Hannah in an eye patch. How could one NOT like it! I might just end up having to buy this one.

Cant' wait for vol. 2 tomorrow night!

POLT = listening to "Dancing Queen" by ABBA

I'm so hungry I could eat a woman. - Bi-Polar Bear, Queer Duck

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