Saturday, February 11, 2006

Just walked in and it's early mornin'...

Last night, as I posted already, I wasn't feeling terribly well. I fell asleep on the couch about 430 or so and didn't wake until 700. Then I had a can of soup and flipped through some channels while I ate a can of chicken soup. It wasn't a good a Mama Polt's Homemade Chicken Soup (but then very little if ANYthing is as good as Mama Polt's), and I saw on the news that we were forecasted to get 5-8 inches of snow today, starting at 6am and running through 6am Sunday.

So, I was tired, despite the nap, and didn't really want to get caught in a big snowstorm, even though I HAD to work Saturday. But I figured, instead of working my normal 7-3, I'd just set my alarm for 400 am, and get to work by 500, do what I needed to do, take vacation and get out of there by 10 or 11.

And that's what I did. I went to bed before 900, and somehow, I managed to get up, and relatively easily so, at 400, and get to work actually before 500. I had all the work that I HAD to do by 1000. Course, it was then a co-worker told me he had checked online and the totals had been increased to 7-12, but it wouldn't start until mid afternoon. Which meant I got up early for NO REASON! Arggh!

I left work about 130, and on the way home, it started flurrying, and now it's snowing a bit heavier and starting to lay. I guess this is the start of the first big snowstorm. Whoopie. I'm just glad I don't HAVE to be anywhere until 800 on Tuesday, which is back to work. So it can snow as much as it wants.

POLT = listening to "Don't Go Back To Rockville" by R.E.M.

Jesse Helms and Trent Lott, two of the finest minds of the 12th century. - Paul Begala

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