Friday, February 17, 2006

So fast, and we just got here...

I decided to again see how peopel stumbled onto the Palace. Naturally, if you just type in the address, you'll come here, and I wasn't talking about those. But I was talking about the people that got here by searching Google or Yahoo or what have you. SO I wanted to see what they were looking for that led them here. And this is what I found:

Ben Agosto naked (got some Ben Agosto, but none naked)
Should call you whitefish (man, who the HELL would be searching for THIS?)
Shaun White Shirtless (yeah, I'd like to find some of those too)
Dawn Schaller (this is a girl I went to school with some 20 years ago. Haven't seen her in at least 10 years. And the REALLY weird part it, this came from someone based in Vancouver Canada!)
Tottyworld (okay, I have a link to that, I understand that request)
Sebastien Bonnet (got a photo of him, okay, i understand that one)
Apolo Ohno (seems those cute Olympian photos I posted cproved popular)
Johnny Weir shirtless (got a photo of him, none of them shirtless)
Gay scally boys (what's a scally boy?)
Johnny Weir shirtless (again?)
johnny weir shirtless (and AGAIN?)
David Franceschina (hmmm, wonder who was looking for HIM?)
gay scally boys (I still don't know what a scally boy is!)
shirtless (well, that's nice and general, eh?)

also, I had a few people arrive at the Palace by checking out my Yahoo and MySpace profiles first. I also had someone from BordersGroupINC checking it why would a former employer bo hitting the Palace? Got hits from Israel, Portugal, Brazil, all over Europe and Tasmania! (bet the visitor is quite the devil!) Also, twice someone from M.I.T. visited here. Yes, THE Massachusetts Insitute Of Technology! One visit I would have figured to be a mistake, cause I have no idea what THAT place of higher learning and geniuses would WANT to visit the Palace, but the second visit indicates someone does.

And finally, i got a breakdown of the continents recent visits originated from. North America was 81%, naturally. Europe had 9%, Australia 2%, Asia 2% and unknown 6%. I've never been to the Unknown continent, could be a nice place to get away from it all.

POLT = listening to "Die Another Day" by Madonna

Ever feel like reality is weirder than dreams? - Jordan, Nowhere


Anonymous said...

what's so great about MIT? There's been some Ivy league visits too, ya know.

Polt said...

Oh yeah, there's been ivy league visits, but they're visits from a league and M.I.T. is a visit from just ONE university! And it's M.I.T., which is like where all the geniuses go, not where the rich farts go cause daddy donated a library, like at ivy league schools.

Anonymous said...

screw you. they're paying me to go to penn. besides, a lot of undergrads that go to either get into both. the well rounded ones go some place they can get an education, the rest go to MIT to have their sex drives removed