Friday, February 24, 2006

On Election Day, we'll see who's banned in the U.S.A....

S.D. House Approves Abortion Ban Bill
PIERRE, S.D. - The Legislature on Friday approved a ban on nearly all abortions in South Dakota, setting up a direct legal assault on Roe v. Wade. Republican Gov. Mike Rounds said he was inclined to sign the bill, which would make it a crime for doctors to perform an abortion unless it was necessary to save the woman's life. The measure would make no exception in cases of rape or incest.

Gee THAT didn't take long. Alito's ass has barely hit his seat and already there's a case primed and ready to go. Man, the religious right is salivating oceans over this travesty. I said it before when Rehnquist died after O'Conner had already announced her retirement: within 5 years, Roe v Wade will be gone.

How unfortunate for the citizens of the US and of South Dakota especially. So now, when daddy plays with his 15 year old daughter in Sioux Falls, she'll be forced to bear the child. And when that college student is on her way to the dorms from a night class in Pierre and is yanked into the bushes and gang raped by 6 or 7 freaks, OH WELL! She'll have a constant reminder growing inside her of the attack.

What horrible place is this country becoming?

POLT = listening to "My Own Private Idaho" by the B-52's

Well remember boys, this is America. Just because you get more votes doesn't mean you'll win. - Maulder, The X-Files

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