Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Charlie Brown, please don't come around...

I saw that tonight, 800, on ABC, they're playing "A Charlie Brown Christmas". WHoo-Hoo!

Is there anyone out there who hasn't seen this at least once? Is there anyone out there who doesn't love this Christmas special? Think back, anytime in your life you've seen a crappy looking Christmas tree, didn't you think, if not say, "That's a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree!" Or, maybe to not offend your friend, you might have said, "It's not such a bad little tree, Charlie Brown." And I defy anyone out there to tell me, at some point in thier life, either while watching the special, or perhaps just when you've heard the music, that you did NOT get up and do a stupid dance while they're all dancing to Schroder's piano at the play! I know every freaking year while I'm watching this, I'm up and doing one of the dances they're doing! Ag and I even picked out our favorite dances and have been known to somewhat spontanrously break into them at random occasions.

I know I'll be parked in front of the TV tonight at 800 to watch this.

However, despite all my raving about Charluie Brown, that is not my favorite Christmas Special. Oh no! That honor is reserved for the campiest, silliest, GAYEST Christmas special of all time: The Year Without A Santa Claus!
Yes, this is one with HeatMizer and ColdMizer, surely two of the queeniest, gayest, festive, friends of Dorothy to ever grace a Rankin/Bass production! (Although, Timmy, the elf who wants to be a dentist comes close). I mean, what's not to love about this special??? GReat songs, the Mizers, dancing little clones of each of them, Mother Nature, Mrs. Claus kicking ass and taking names, snow in the South, Rudolph! I mean, all we need is the Island of Misfit toys to make it the Christmas-est of all Christmas specials! EVER!

On a side note, I found online two costumes that just cracked me he hell up. And made me envious too! Now I know that I want for Christmas most of all: a HeatMizer costume!

POLT = listening to "That I Would Be Good" by Alanis Morissette

I liked things better when I didn't understand them. - Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

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