Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I'm only alive, only alive, briefly...

Okay, so I was pursuing male underwear sites, as you do, when I came upon this one:

Okay, model: cute face, nice smile, hot bod; briefs: well, not much to them, although that's not a problem either, and they are rather interesting colored. Then I saw the price: twenty seven dollars! WHAT THE HELL???? Let me say that again slowly: twen...ty....sev...en...DOLLARS! American dollars, not some Monopoly colored money like out of Bolivia or Bulgaria, but American dollars! Christ, that thing is little more than a washcloth, surely no more than a hand towel! And they're charging twenty seven dollars?!?!? My undergraments come like three in a pack for 7 bucks, or something! I could but damn near 4 packs or 11 and a third pairs for that price. And I assure you, MY undies cover quite a bit more than that! What are you paying the money for, to NOT be covered?!?!?!?!

Although, mind you, I am not complaining about the lack of coverage....

POLT = listening to "A Message" by Coldplay

We met at Starbucks. Not the same Starbucks, but two Starbucks across the street from each other. - Meg, Best In Show

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