Friday, December 09, 2005

Everybody's changing, and I don't feel the same...

More good news from overseas:

Britain this week brought the Civil Partnerships Act into force. The act grants same-sex couples almost identical rights to those enjoyed by heterosexual married couples; the main difference being that a civil partnership cannot be registered on religious premises.

"The government doesn't support gay marriage, but you'd have to look hard to find the differences between the rights and responsibilities which it affords straight and gay couples," said Britain's Gay Times "Pride and Groom" December issue, adding that "in the media, it's increasingly being called 'gay marriage.'"

England will see its first wave of partnership ceremonies on Dec. 21, after registered couples have waited out a 15-day “cooling off” period.

Yet another country gives total equal rights to ALL of its citizens. Ya know, it used to be America led the world. In the last five years or so, in so many things (not the least of which is affording equal marriage rights to gays and lesbians) America has stagnated while the world passes us by. Should this keep up, one day all too soon, we may wake up and find ourselves no longer relevent in the world. And what a sad day that will be.

POLT = listening to "Running Down A Dream" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

Politicians are a reflection of the people that elect them. - kalel3475 on DCcomics online

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