Sunday, December 25, 2005

Down on Festive Road, the children will play...

Festive - The Holiday 10

1) What's your favorite holiday movie?
Gotta go with "The Year Without A Santa Claus".

2) What's your favorite holiday song (title and artist)?
Hmm, well I've always like "Christmas Wrapping" by The Waitresses. But Eartha Kitt's version of "Santa Baby" always gets me in the holiday mood.

3) What's the best holiday gift you were ever given and why?
My iPod. I take it with me EVERYWHERE!

4) Do you have someone special to kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Years?
Yes, but as he's 8 hours away, I don't think I'll be kissing him then.

5) Name your favorite reindeer.
Vixen, without a doubt. She's such a diva.

6) Favorite holiday food?
Mama Polt's Christmas Turkey Dinner, with ALL the fixings! Ain't nothing better or more filling!

7) Snow day...huddle by the fire or hand me a snowball?
If I've got someone to huddle with, then we'll take the fire (love the cuddling), but if I'm alone, I LOVE talking walks while it's snowing. So peaceful and beautiful.

8) What was your New Year's resultion this past year? Did you stick to it?
Since I never keep the resolution, last year's resolution was to not make any resolutions. And yep, I stuck to it.

9) Is there really a Santa Claus?
Well, YEAH! D'uh!

10) Present or stocking stuffer?
Present, definately!

POLT = listening to "Confusion" by New Order

Friends help you move. Real friends help you move the bodies.

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