Tuesday, December 06, 2005

It's been one week since you've looked at me...

Last week, I posted about how it was 60 degrees and just way too warm for this time of year.

Oh what a difference a weke makes! It's now like 32 degrees, and has been for a few days. It snowed Satruday night, but only enough to cover the gorund, and then melt on Sunday. And its left a bunch of ice patches ont he sidewalks, like right in front of the steps down from the house, and ON the stone steps leading to the sidewalk, and on the sidewalk in front of the stoen steps. Yes, these I had the pleasure of discovering last night on my walk.

i needed to go to the Post office, so I walked over, slipping and damn near falling each time. (hey, it was like 530, you try seeing ice patches in the dark!) If you guys recall, previously I posted about a trip to mail things where I had dressed too warmly and ended up carrying my scarf and drenching my toque in sweat. On no, not last night. No, then I wore my sweatshirt (as before) and toque, and gloves, but who needed a scarf, it wasn't THAT cold.

God, I can be a moron sometimes. Yes i WAS that cold. And the wind blew right across and down my neck, chilling me. I tried putting the hood up, but that just brought the hole at the top of the zipper upwards more, therefore, a better target for the wind to aim at. Was nearly frozen by the time I got home, I was.

But I'm not really complaining. I LOVE the cold (as long as I'm dressed for it) and the snow. Shoveling it sucks, and I'm sure I'll be bitching about that before long, but for now, I'm craving the snow!

POLT = listening to "Head Over Feet" by Alanix Morisette

I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off the homophobes. - Kurt Cobain

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