Monday, December 19, 2005

We do the mutant rock, cmon let's rock...

Having a light day work recently, I found a bunch of photos from the forth coming movie X3. So without further ado, I give you: The Men Of X3!

Yes, let's get him out of the way first I guess. Never been much impressed with Wolverine, nor do I see the "sexiness" or the terrific acting that some do. But hey, he has to be there. Moving on...

Next we have Pyro. He's back for another movie. Pretty cool effects with his powers and pretty accurate usage when compared to the books.

Never thought I'd see him as anything other than Captain Jean-Luc Picard. But actually, he was born to play Professor X. Does a great job of it as well.

Magneto, back again. I tell youwhat, for a man of his age, he's pretty hot. And I remember the Oscars after the first Lord of the Rings movie, a critic wrote" His performance: outstanding. His date: even better." And it was true. more power to him!

Okay, this is the guy playing Juggernaut. i don't know his name nor anything about him. But to me, he just screams Rough Trade. Looks like something you'd see in a leather video. Anyway...moving on....

Now this is Iceman. I heart him! Met him on the streets of Toronto after the first x movie. He was friendly and polite, and just the nicest thing! he's my favorite. *blush*

This is Cyclops, who, by the way, is three times as hot and sexy as Wolverine can ever hope to be! So there!

This is a new character: Beast. He'll be playd by Kelsey Grammer, yep that's right, we'll see this face, but we'll be hearing Frasier Crane or Sideshow Bob. Go figure.

This is Colussus. I don't know if it's the same actor that played him last movie, but either way, I imagine it'll be fun looking at him. hehehe....

And this is Colussus all metal-ed up. Hmm, that looks interesting.

And this is Angel, played by Ben Foster. I don't think he's hot enough to carry the part, after all,Angel is supposed to be a "dream boat". Ah well, I don't know of any other actor off the top of my head, so we'll stick with him I guess.

I don't know how well this can be seen, but these are two "Action" shots, one of Beast growling and the other of Angel's spread wings.

Yet another movie that I'll be in line for opening night!

POLT = listening to "Verse Chorus Verse" by Nirvana

"Principal Skinner, you're just stealing!" "Pffft...welcome to Dick Cheney's America." - The Simpsons

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