Saturday, December 03, 2005

We'll eat what's left of you before we're through..

Okay, so going back to Thursday night, the meal with Phoenix at Buffalo Wild Wings, I ordered 20 50cent boneless wings. I could only eat about 11 of them, but it was not big deal, BWW has take home....well, not bags, but styrofoam containers. I took them home (and the container of blue cheese, I mean they charge 40 freakin cents for each one, I'm not just leaving it there to be tossed out), and put the in the fridge, saying I'd take them to work Friday and have them for lunch.

And then, Friday morning rolls around, me running late as usual, and I walk right out the house, remembering to take my briefcase, and car keys, and cellphone, and didn't forget my gloves, cause it was cold that morning. But I forgot the boneless wings. At lunch, one my way to Panera Bread (mmm-MMM!) to pick up something, I said, I'll just eat them for supper that night.

I get home from work, and plan to eat them that night. Except that, Ag calls and wants me to come down to her apartment and help me hook up her new webcam. Which I do. And so we order pizza and have that for supper. ANd I think, okay, lunch at work always sucks on Saturday, I'll just take them in to eat them then.

And then, Saturday morning rolls around, me running late as usual, and I walk right out the house, remembering to take my briefcase, and car keys, and cellphone, and didn't forget my gloves, cause it was cold that morning. And I forgot the boneless wings...AGAIN.

So at lunch, while I was struggling with tacos so greasy you had to wring them out before you could eat them and refried beans that looked like they had already exited someone's body post consuming them, and could have been used as the mortar in a brick wall, I thought to myself, I'll just eat the boneless wings then.

As I have not yet eaten tonight, I don't know what fate awaits the boneless wings, but I'm sure they'll be consumed before they god bad...unlike the milk in my fridge right now.

POLT = listening to "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" by The Propellorheads

The best relationship is the kind of relationship where you live from moment to moment without worrying with what happens next. - Ryan, Drift

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