Friday, December 02, 2005

French kissin in the USA...

I've been reading online and in papers, and seeing on TV, how so many of the far right wingnuts and radical Republican conservatives get all wound up over gays and lesbians. Almost like we're leading America by the hand through the gates of hell. (does "ye who have no sinned, cast the first stone" ring any bells) As if two people expressing love for one another is more heinous than using your political position to scam public funds for your own personal use, and ensuring that your ultra rich country club buddies keep thier obscene tax cuts while they slash Medicare, and Head Start, and food stamps and college aid to balance the budgets (isn't there something in the Bible about it being easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man get into heaven?)

But I digress...

I've ben thinking, what can I do as a show of defiance? And then it came to me.

So in the vein of Monday's Hot Shirtless Guy Photos and Testicular Tuesdays with Johnnie, I now giveyou another ongoing weekly series: Frenching Fridays! Yeppers, every Friday I'll post a pick of two attractive guys snogging. Not porn, but I'm sure some of them photos will be a little risque occasionally. And so, without further ado, I give you the first ever...
Frenching Friday

There, now that wasn't so painful, was it? Wasn't painful at all for me...I quite enjoyed it.

POLT = listening to "Everything" by Alanis Morissette

You ungrateful little dungtick! - Yngvi, The Authority

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