Saturday, December 31, 2005

Take offense at my innuendo, you can...

Checking out my Clustr Map I discovered that I have a hit from extreme Southern Iraq. From INSIDE Iraq! Now this could be someone from the US military (although, I'm not sure any of them want to visit the Palace), or it could be an Iraqi with Internet service. If it's the latter, I wonder if that means the NSA, with Bushie's approval, will now be (sans warrant, natch!) listening in to Uncle Polt's communications? Hmmm, mayeb I outta start speaking more cryptically when i'm on the phone, just so they THINK there's something going on, lots of innuendo and double entrendre and the like. If they're gonna waste time and tax money doing something illegal like this, there's nothing to say I can't help them waste it by pretending something's going on!

But if the NSA is checking out the Palace, because of the Iraqi hit, then just so they know, this whole post is coded to pass on all the government secrets I am privvy to.

Oh, and the dark brown fox only eats bon-bon's on the holidays. And the weather in Majorica is fine this time of year, you WON'T need an umbrella. *nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no MORE*

POLT = listening to "Dude In The Moon" by Dastrix

We're costumed heroes, we're already not playing wit a full deck. - Wonder Girl, Young Justice #48

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