Monday, December 19, 2005

I have been waiting for these visitors...

Recently, I added a Cluster Map to my blog. It tracks my visitors and then shows me where they are from. (It posted off to the left here, you can click on it yourself if you want to see). But here's the latest map:
I know it might not be the clearest, but hopefully you can read it. It shows most of my visitors from the northeast, specifically from around the area I live in, which is no surprise. But I've gotten a large numebr of hits from Los Angeles, I think, and somewhere in the mid-west, Kansas City perhaps? I don't know who you people are, but thanks for stopping by. Drop me and email or comment, I love to hear from my readers.

More surpsing to me is the visit form Hawaii (cool), somewhere in Canada right above Montana (sorry, i don't know the Canadian provinces that well. i THINK that's Manitoba, but I could be wrong). I also got four visits form Europe (two from England, looks like one from Germany and one from Netherland?) and a visit form somewhere between Argentina and Uruguay! Who knew?

the Palace has gone worldwide, yo!

POLT = listening to "On Thin Ice" by Pink Floyd

The only thing worse than being gay, is being straight. - Brian, The Fluffer

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