Saturday, December 17, 2005

Cowboys and indians at home on the range...

This weekend, we have one of the great rivalries taking place again: the Cowboys vs The Redskins. Not for ten or so years has a late season game between these two had such important post season implications for both teams. Whichever one loses pretty much is out of the playoff hunt! Man it's been a long time since this game mattered.

I think Dallas will win (well I HOPE so anyway) but I THINK they will cause they have the cutest supporters, as demonstrated below.

(Okay, well, yeah, i didn't go looking for any Redskins fans or nothing, but c'mon, why would anyone wanna see THAT? i mean, they're Redskins fans, for God's sake...ewww)

POLT = listening to "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" by George Michael and Elton John

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few vitrues. - Abraham Lincoln


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is because I am a chick...but I never understood the whole "writing team letters on your stomach thing." Once in high school I drew a giant penis on my stomach and wrote "BHS RULES" b/c I was upset that I had to go to a pep rally. Yes, I have pictures. Perhaps if I get my scanner to work I will share!

Anonymous said...

aw, the rivalry for the coveted "biggest hick team in football" award. These teams should get to the core of the rivalry by changing their names to "oppressive white devils" and the "drunken savages." Let's get the offensiveness out in the open. Of, btw, Bush is a Cowboys fan. I think Hitler was too.