Sunday, July 23, 2006

All the clerks and all the tailors...

Tonight, after a meal at Garfield's and before drinks at TGIFriday's, I went to see Clerks II with Ghostie and Mr. David Franceschina.

I give the movie an enthusiastic thumbs up! You know what your're getting when you go in, it doesn't aspire to anything else. If you liked Clerks, you'll like it, if you didn't like Clerks, you're not gonna get this one. But as for myself, the two I went with and a large portion of the theater (not counting the lady who was sitting behind us who argued with her boyfriend/husband about not wanting to stay and watch the movie, and who then later walked out leaving him there alone) we all laughed through most of it.

I mean, how could one NOT love the movie? It's got racial slurs; vomiting; an overabundance of swearing; drug dealing; sacreligious statements; Rosario Dawson's breasts in a tight shirt bouncing up and down as she dances; making fun of the handicapped; toenail painting; Silent Bob speaking; a teenager masturbating; talk of kissing after analigus;, I mean inter-species erotica; a bear of a man in chaps, a mask, and a jock; urinal ice in fountain drinks; mocking of the Transformers; go-cart racing; a musical/dance montage; Ben Affleck; and a mangina from Jay, of Jay and Silent Bob. I mean, seriously, what MORE could you want? And how could you NOT laugh? And WHY haven't you seen it yet?

POLT = listening to "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac

It's better to run to Toronta, than to stay in a place you don't wanta! - Groucho Marx


katarina said...

All I need is Kevin Smith.
He's hot in my book.

Anonymous said...

I hated Clerks, sorry. I am not looking forward to seeing Rosario Dawson's breasts. I do like Silent Bob and Ben Affleck, who doesn't. What more could I want? How about Matt Damon, playing yet again another gay character. Why does that role seem to come so easily for him? Hmmm.

tornwordo said...

Can't wait to see it! Sounds like it's perfect for my adolescent mentality.

Anonymous said...

Its a guy thing. Only a guy can enjoy this movie. So all guys should get together go to dinner see the movie and get drinks after and have your man bonding time....

Glad you had fun..

By the I went to see Lady in the Water by myself and it was a good little movie.

Polt said...

Katarina: Frankly, Jay does more for me than SIlent Bob.

Ed: Well it does take a certain king of humor to enjoy this stuff. And while seeing her boobs wasn't high on my list either, I tell ya what, if I was gonna go back to the Dark Side for another try, SHE would be one of the few that could lure me back. I think she's just incredibly sexy. Go figure.

Jason: Oh it WAS filthy, my friend. Way filthy. But funny as shit too!

Tornwordo:Yes now see YOU are someone who can appreicate this. Tell me what you thought of it when you see it.

Ag: Well yeah, the chick behind us left, but her guy stayed. It really is a guy thing, like the 3 stooges, Monty Python, and the Super Bowl.

m_o_o_nspells said...

Hafta disagree about the guy thing...I love Kevin Smith movies and I laughed my @ss off at this one!
And I gotta agree with katarina...I love me some KS, call me crazy!
Also saw Pirates II and I loved that too. Mmmmmm...Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Jack Davenport...what MORE could ya want in a flick?! ;o)