Saturday, July 15, 2006

I wish I was queer, so I could get chicks....

Let's just say a guy, any guy, an average guy, packed the following for a trip:

5 button down shirts,
3 polo shirts,
6 t-shirts
5 white t-shirts,
3 pairs of underwear,
2 bathing suits,
2 shorts,
and a pair of shorts to sleep in;

And let's further say this trip he's going on is ONLY 3 days and 2 nights.

Firstly, wouldn't you wonder, considering all that he's taking, why he's only taking 3 pairs of underwear, but secondly, wouldn't you think taking all this for that short amount of time was quite queer?

I'm just wondering.

POLT = listening to "Only" by Nine Inch Nails

Misspellers of the world, UNTIE!


Anonymous said...

Actually, 3 pair of underwear sounds about right for only 2 nights. The excessive items are the 2 swimsuits and the 5 button down shirts unless it's a business trip.

.- said...

...bathing suits......
must be the east coast - west coast thing.
In California we always just said trunks for a dude.
[in Texas? not enough water here to know]

Anonymous said...

Oh he bats for our team for sure!


Polt said...

Ed: You're right about the undies, but everything else, SHEESH! And it's NOT a business trip!

Velma: Yeah, well i prefer my men to wear no suits, whatever kind of suit you call it. :)

Onanite: yes, yes he does indeed. But he sees nothing wrong with taking this much along...high maintenance kinda fellow, methinks. :)

Anonymous said...

Its all about variety and having it available to make a selection.

Also, you can bet that every single piece of clothing will be tried on at least once before going out in public ('does this shirt match my sunburn?')

There are str8 men who do this too (but I'd probably be hitting on them just to make sure).

Ferry Godfather

katarina said...

He probably doesn't wear underwear. He's probably taking them for emergency underwear situations.

Polt said...

Mark: I think every article was tried on before he decided which to take along in the first place!

Katarina: No, he does wear underwear, and he IS rather fastidious, which is why it's surprising that's he's taking so FEW undies along.