Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Melting on the ground...

Oh Jesus, Mary AND Joseph it's so hot! I'm like freaking melting! It was like 98 degrees when I got out of work at 400. That is CRAZY! HOW anyone can say they love summer is WAY beyond me!

(I know how you feel lil wax bunny)

At least tomorrow it's supposed to be only in the mid-80's, so that'll be a relief, thank God. Might even be able to give the old a/c a break, finally.

POLT = listening to someone tell me about thier trip on the phone

You can't kill a man for trying to save the human race from nutrasweet, Pokeman, and Governor George W. bush. - Dr. Krigstein, The Authority


Anonymous said...

So sorry Polt Sir, but I love this weather. Here in Indiana, it is 105 humiture. Even though it is hard to breath outside and I am as hot and sweaty when I step out of the shower as before I showered, it is still a million times better than the Icy snow covered roads of the wintertime. I would rather sweat my ass off than freeze it off. I wish I lived where it never got cold.

katarina said...

Poor lil wax bunny.

I'm keeping my a/c on. I'm not taking the chance of ending up melted like him.

The Persian said...

awww, poor little wabbit. It's freaking roasting here also. On the other hand they keep this room (I am at work) somewhere around 60-65 so the shock is even more horrible when I go outside.

Keep Kool my man :)

Polt said...

Ed: you, sir, are a freak. :) I like the cold much better, I can always throw soemthing else on to warm up. But when it's hot, there's only so much you can take off...and then you're illegal. :)

Katarina: I just had mine off whiel I was at work, to give the ole thing a break.

PG: Well, I don't know how cool my work is, but I'm damn glad it is. I was outside for only like 25 minutes today, and it was like I was in a suana. UGH!