Monday, July 17, 2006

Like the wind in the trees...

Took a quiz today and I found out what my birth tree (!?!) is.

Your birth tree is
Ash Tree, the Ambition

Okay, well, then it goes on to list what this means:

Uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with its fate, can be egoistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over heart, but takes partnership very serious.

Let's go over these shall we?

Uncommonly attractive - Um, no I don't really think. At least not physically.
vivacious - check
impulsive - check, especially when it comes to buying things
demanding - oh definately check
does not care for criticism - well, no I dont, but then, who really does?
ambitious - I don't know, I don't think I am....
intelligent - check-a-roonie!
talented - check. but at what?
likes to play with its fate - Hmm, well...I guess. I have done a LOT of things I should have known better NOT to do
can be egoistic - Oh yeah..more than i'd like to be, but eh, whatever...
very reliable and trustworthy - Hmm, in some eays, BUT, if I'm being honest, I'd have to say no, not really
faithful and prudent lover - Oh no way...I've cheated, nuff said
sometimes brains rule over heart - I suppose so, I mean I can be a sappy romantic, but generally I'm not.
but takes partnership very serious - Nope. I don't really take much of anything seriously, least of all a partnership..I suppose that's why I don't really ever picture myself in one.

SO I guess it was right in the areas NOT relating to relationships. So I'm jsut like an Ash, when I'm not dealing in relationships? I think some would say I'm an Ass all the time.

POLT = listening to "Young Americans" by David Bowie

"What kind of homosexual are you?" "The kind that fucks men." - Brian, Queer As Folk


.- said...

I LOVE your quote for today.

say - am I the only one who blogs in and sees ad for intense psychotherapy? what's the deal neal?

woo - brains have never ruled over my heart - I wouldn't need the intense psychotherapy if they did.

egotistic is a virtue sweetie!

katarina said...

You need to stop breaking all those poor boys' hearts.

Katie McKenna said...

lol.. I want to be a tree! :)