Monday, July 10, 2006

Vacation, all I ever wanted....

So two things occured recently, totally unrelated, and yet, related nonetheless. First I got this message in my email:

And, naturally I entered the contest as soon as I got it! I'm not gonna miss out on a FREE trip to Toronto, even if it IS only for two nights. Then later that same night, I get a call from ag informing me that she got the hotel in Toronto for Sept 29 thru Oct 3 of this year. So that means, in a little overtwo months, Uncle Polt's gonna be back in The Great White

Man, I can NOT wait! Whoo-hoooo! Happy Toronto dance!

POLT = listening to The Blue Danube

A good night's sleep is better than a bad night's sex any day of the week. - Dan Anderson

1 comment:

m_o_o_nspells said...

WOOHOO!! Hubby and I are very much looking forward to hooking up for a little r/l chit chat time! As I said, let me know what your itinerary holds as far as free time and we will do everything we can to make ourselves available!
Fun, fun, fun!