Monday, July 31, 2006

Week 55...


POLT= listening to "Twist And Shout" by The Beatles

"Maybe I should have been gay." "You are what you are, my friend. There's no changing sides once God places you." - Northstar, Uncanny X-Men #414


Anonymous said...

Love the shirtless guys. Twist and Shout by the Beatles? Now your playing my song. I have several of their records and one album. I don't have a record player to play them on. I have a Victrola wind-up record player but it only plays 78 rpms. They're still in my memory though so Shake it up baby, twist and shout...

Polt said...

Jason: heheeheh, you're tight. I've got a photo with a guy with even MORE metal than that one..I'll have to post that soon.

Ed: cmon, cmon, cmon, cmon, baby now, work it on out... (ya know, I first heard, and learned this song, from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. that movie rocked!)

•♥•m•♥• said...


um....I have some laundry to you think that guy will lend me his washboard?!!? ...we could go down to the river and get all natural and shite......

** takes out pen and jots down note to visit Polts on mondays**

Polt said...

Doc: hehehe, glad you approve. :) I put two up every Monday. Oh, and Fridays are Frenching Fridays around here, two (or more) hot guys kissin. Stop by then too! :)

•♥•m•♥• said...

whoo hoo.....what day is it coming up ??!?!? frenching..kissing...sucking face...locking lips....examining the tonsils ......kind of day!>!>! Ill be back to see!!!!