Monday, July 03, 2006

Between truth and lies, now....

I have the second (and possibly last) in a series: 4 Truths and 1 Lie.

Obviously, four of the following statements are true and one is a lie. Leave me a comment with your guess as to which is the lie, and after either a) a certain of guess occur or b) a certain amount of time passes, I'll reveal the correct answer.

1. I have seen, in person, the sitting governor of a state in the USA, shook his hand and had a photo taken with him.
2. I have seen, in person, a star in one of this year's big movies, shook his hand, talked to him and took his picture.
3. I have seen, in person, the Pope, took his picture, and recieved a blessing from him.
4. I have seen, in person, a member of British Royalty, took his picture and waved to him.
5. I have seen, in person, a sitting Vice President of the USA, took his picture, and made eye contact and nodded to him.

Think about it, and give me your guesses.

POLT - listening to "Anarchy In The UK" by The Sex Pistols

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. - Blade Runner


katarina said...

I think #3 is a little too easy to pick.
I'll go with #2.

It's hard to keep up with you.
You're one posting bastard. But you're a lot of fun.

Anonymous said...

I am thinking .... #5, maybe you saw him ... but you didn't take his picture.
Did I win?? :)

Anonymous said...

Is the Pope jewish? I think #3 is a lie. You would have been afraid to get near his holiness lest lightning strike you dead.

tornwordo said...

No pope meeting. But I'm ALWAYS wrong, lol.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, no meeting with the pope, he is too busy hating gays.


m_o_o_nspells said...

I think the lie is #5...not really sure why...maybe the way you worded it. Got the last one so I can't wait to see if I can keep my "streak" going! ;o)

Anonymous said...

I think that it's number 3. The other ones seem possible.
