Monday, July 31, 2006

What do we call it now, it isn't marriage anymore...

Found this online somewhere...

So true, so true.

POLT = listening to "Take Me Or Leave Me" from the Rent Soundtrack

Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning? - Bushie


Anonymous said...

Bushie's teachers learnt him the best they could. Darn it, being cooped up in a classroom just ain't no fun. Hearing, why cain't you be more like Jeb? Made him so mad he coulda sorta just shit! When confronted with his cuts in education, Bushie replied, "I todja my policee would be 'No child left a dime' now leave me alone, I'm talkin to ma sweetie, go ahead Condi what wuz ya sayin'?

tornwordo said...

I love the Bushisms.

And the cartoon is soooo apt.

Polt said...

Got tons and TONS of bush-isms. They'd really be funny...if only he weren't really so screwed up and screwing up the country as well.