Wednesday, July 05, 2006

You couldn't wait for answers...

Okay, I've got 7 guesses for the second 4 Truths and 1 Lie. I guess it's time to reveal the answer. Let's go through the options:

1. I have seen, in person, the sitting governor of a state in the USA, shook his hand and had a photo taken with him.
2. I have seen, in person, a star in one of this year's big movies, shook his hand, talked to him and took his picture.
3. I have seen, in person, the Pope, took his picture, and recieved a blessing from him.
4. I have seen, in person, a member of British Royalty, took his picture and waved to him.
5. I have seen, in person, a sitting Vice President of the USA, took his picture, and made eye contact and nodded to him.

We had voting go as follows:
1. None
2. 1- Katarina
3. 4 - Ed, Tornwordo, Onanite & Amie
4. None
5. 2 - Bella & Moons

Let's handle them all in reverse order, shall we?

#5. True. In 1993, I went to Philadelphia to see Al Gore open the new Convention Center there. There were four of us that went. When we got there, there were HUGE crowds, and we couldn't even see the stage. So we went around behind the center, and just by acting like we belonged there and knew what we were doing, we ended getting to the special reserved standing area not ten feet from the stage. We saw several politicans speak, Boys II Men sang (if you remember who they are), and then Gore spoke. And I was close enough and at the right angle to see his nose hairs. I took a few photos of him, and at one point, while we were clapping over something he said, he looked directly at us. I nodded to him, and he nodded back. The scary part was, never were we searched, or sent through a metal detector or anything!

#4. True. In 1984, I went on a month long trip to Europe with my school. We were at Buckingham Palace lookign throught he fence. PRince William (who at that time was like 2 years old or so) was outside with a nanny and a bodyguard, I presume, waiting for a car. I snapped a pciture (even though he's little more than a blue dot), and he waved to us. I waved back.

#3. True. On that same trip, when we were in Rome, a number of us went to the Vatican. We were in the area outside the Vatican itself, and couldn't get inside due to the crowds. And then, up on the top floor of an attached building the window opened and the crowd went wild. Pope John Paul II stood there. He gave a speech, perhaps a sermon, I don't know. It was about 15 minutes long. I snapped a photo (even though he's little more than a white dot), and when he finished, he gave the entire crowd a blessing. (some of you mentioned 'meeting' the Pope. I never said I met the Pope. Re-read it above.)

#2. True. About 3 or 4 years ago I was in Toronto, and passed Shawn Ashmore, the guy who palys Iceman in the Xmen movies on the street. I ran after him, stopped him, shook his hand, took a photo and talked to him for maybe 5 minutes. He was very cool about the whole thing. I'll post that photo before too long, I guess and got into more detail.

#1. False. I have never met a sitting governor of any state. I haven't met any ex-governor either. I did meet current Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell when we were in Philly to see Gore, but Rendell was only mayor or Philadelphia then.

SO thanks all seven for voting. No one got it right. I stumped you all MWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! (that's my evil scientist laugh)

POLT = listening to "Bones" by Radiohead

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Anonymous said...

Curses foiled again! If the pope had known a gay was there he would have with-held his blessing and given you a curse. By the way a pope can't really bless any one who does he think he is God? It's just like holy water. Did it come from God? No! So how do you make holy water? Put it on the stove and boil the HELL out of it! Gotcha! Muahahahahaha!

Rebecca said...

Of course if I were here, I would so *totally* have gotten it right!!

katarina said...

I guess that makes me the closest by default. :)

Polt said..., sweetie, did you forget your meds again? :P

Becca: Undoubtably, my dear.

Katarina: hehehe, yeah I guess it does. :)