Friday, July 14, 2006

Summer evenings, teenage grievings, got no problem...

Oh MY sweet Aunt Fancy, what weeknights I've had this week! I'll illustrate with helpful icons as well.

Monday, Mama Polt called me and asked me to go eat with her and Papa Polt.

It seems there's a VFW or AMerican Legion or some such club that on the second Monday of each month, they have an all you can eat spaghetti feed. So we all went. You got a bowl heaped full of pasta and meat sauce, bread and butter, a small container of cole slaw and water. And all for $5.00. The bowl was heaped so full, I could only eat one. I planned on having more, but i didn't plan on getting so much the first time! It was filling and good tasting. I do believe I'll go again.

Tuesday, I had made arrangements for a rendezvous of sorts. This guy Jason came by after work.

He looked kinda like this actor (named Paulo Costanzo), except he was a bit shorter and a bit heavier. Had the build of a rugby player, with deep brown eyes, and...well, I'm not the kind of girl who kisses and tells...or at least tells in details. Let me just say a fun, satisfying time was had by both of us. Nuff said.

Wednesday after work, Gar and Troy stopped by. These were the couple who went with Ag and I to Pride this year.

(See, Gar works in food service and is a pretty damn sweet chef, or so I'm told, thus the chef's hat. And Troy, well this one should be self-explanatory) We went out to eat and they graciously paid for my meal, since I had treated both of them seperatly before. And then we returned here and watched "My Life As A House". I didn't bawl like a baby this time like I did the first time I saw it. But because of all this, I was a big fat loser and missed the first episode of the current seaons of Project Runway. *SIGH* Well, last season, I missed the opening episode as well, and still got hooked on it, so I'm sure that'll happen again.

Then, Thursday afternoon, I went to AJ's.

His roommates went to the Outer Banks in NC for a week, and he's there by himself and wanted some company. SO we went to eat (which he graciously paid for, since I had treated before as well), and then returned to his home and watched "Shaun Of The Dead", which is my favorite zombie/comedy/love story of ALL TIME! And I spent the night there, sharing AJ's bed...but it was ALL platonic, nothing untoward happened, he's straight...dammit.

They live in this awesome cabin out in the woods. I've got some photos below, (if blogger allows me to, it's kinda been on the rag when it comes to posting pics lately). Firstly, is that cabin itself. It doesn't look really big, but it's quite big on the inside.

It's made of wood, I mean there's actual for real logs used all throughout. In the downstairs bathroom there's a large jacuzzi tub. And the upstairs loft, which is AJ's room, has it's own bathroom as well. Thankfully it's got central air as well, cause it was pretty humid last night, and even being out in the woods wouldn't have helped with that. They have a mule named MIss Jessie they keep in the back, this is a photo of her (and AJ's arm). But off the back patio, they put out corn for the deer and they come in remarkable close.

I gotta tell ya something though, i was a bit freaked out. See, I'm pretty much a "city boy", and while the town i grew up in wasn't real big, we DID have street lights, which have alwasy illuminated the place where I was sleeping, if only a little bit. Not out there, oh NO! When I say it was dark, I mean, it was DARK! And they have these large sliding glass doors and large windows out front that are really beautiful to look out of during the day time. But at night, God I felt so vulnerable. There is no way, despite the beauty there, that I could live there. Nope, I need me some city lights!

POLT = listening to "In The Flesh?" by Pink Floyd

In the symphany of life, ever get the feeling you're playing a completely different tune than everyone else?


Anonymous said...

How did you get that picture of our president? (the one with AJ's arm in it) You caught that JackAss perfectly.

Anonymous said...

How DARE you insist, over and over, that I watch Project Runway, so we can talk about it and stuff, then YOU go and forget to watch it yourself. :(

I, being the responsible one, did watch the first episode. Of course I probably won't tell you about it. ;)


Polt said...

Katarina: you have my deepest sympathies.

Ed: Hey, now, don't insult Miss Jessie that way! Comparing her to Bushie...inDEED!

Amie: yeah, okay, big loser, yeah we got it. I even apologized in a regular post, isn't that enough????