Monday, July 24, 2006

Spinning around two howling moons...

I can NOT believe it's taken me so long to post about this. Frankly, I forgot about it, until i was moving some things around in my living room (I'd say cleaning, but we all know what a lie that would be. How about just shifting a pile of stuff from one place to another), when i discovered these and then realized I had done NOTHING with them yet!

Moonspells is a fellow blogger, but from the Toronto area. It seems that her lovely husband is a comic obsessed freak, just like me. And back in April, she mentioned that there was going to be a comic book convention in Toronto. She also mentioned, and posted on her blog, a few photos done by my favorite comic book artist George Perez. And then she mentioned that Perez would BE there. Oh my geeky fanboy persona kicked in and I started, I'm sure, just blathering on at the mouth about how cool it would be to see him, to go to it, to BE in Toronto, etc, etc, etc. ANd I said something to the effect that since I couldn't be there, they should get me something, but I said it in jest.

A bit later, I get an email from Moons, telling me they got me something, and could they have my address to send it to me. I felt guilt, and gratitude, and surprise, and excitement (mostly excitement), so of course I gave her my address. And a little bit later (too long for me, damn the US postal service!), their package arrived. Inside were two things.

A program from the comicon itself, with Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman behind the CN Tower! And a copy of cover artwork for a fanzine called Amazing Heroes, this one drawn by Perez. And BOTH were autographed by Perez himself! Oh, was I in fanboy heaven? Had I actually got to meet him myself, I'm fairly certain I would have had an orgasm right there in the convention hall.

ANd on top of all this, I actually HAVE the issue of Amazing Heroes that the cover he signed came from! Oh, am I a happy fanboy??? And are Moons and her lovely husband not THE coolest people I know? Well, the coolest fellow fanboy types that I know? That live in Canada? Oh Hell, they got me Perez's autograph, that moves them right to the head of the line of cool people as far as I'm concerned!

We're going back to Toronto the end of September and Moons and her lovely husband and I are gonna get together sometime that I'm up there, for dinner, perhaps or drinks, or whatever. I just wanna met them, being such cool people that they are and all!

I'll be in touch soon about setting all that up, Moons, I promise! Hugs to both of you!

POLT = listening to "Hide U" by Kosheen

Mass genocide's the most exhausting physical activity one can engage in, next to soccer. - Loki, Dogma


Polt said...

No, they modeled the Neuschwanstein Castle after MY palace. (Yeah, I know, they built it years ago, but Polt's Palace exists in ALL time periods, so they must have seen My Palace and loved it!)

Better Cinderella than an Ugle Step-Sister, eh?

m_o_o_nspells said...

Awwww, shucks Poltie... *blushes*
Hubby and I are glad you liked 'em we're both looking forward to meeting you when you're here!
Hugs right back atcha
*watched email for details* ;o)

JP said...

I have every issue of the original CXrisi series..and an unopend original poster promoting the series...George Perez made everybody look so HOT! Such a badass...

wonder if it's worth anything.
kep all my comics . I just don;t see them as getting to be as valuable as I thpugh they would when I was 12. but I'm still keepin 'em.