Monday, July 24, 2006

It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down...

Yesterday, Sunday, was a beautiful day! Today is as well, but yesterday was better. It was warm, perhaps mid-80's or so (sorry, you crazy Celsius people you, you'll have to do the conversations for yourself), but the humidity was non-existent. And there was a very pleasant cooling breeze blowing.

I went out onto my balcony, took my canvas collapsable chair with me to sit on, propped my feet up on the lawn chair, had my cellphone and my camera at my side, a cup of water on the floor, and a book in my hands. And I read. And just soaked in the day!

This was the kind of summer day I remember as a kid, warm, but tolerable, and sunshine and blue skies that go on forever, with big fluffy clouds to blot out the sun for a bit.

After taking a few photos, I just leaned my head back and watched the clouds go by and the large blueness in between them. I hadn't done that for years, not since I was a kid. I saw, in the cloud's, a pirate's head, a dolphin, a pumpkin and a pair of open scissors (why yes, I DO have an overactive imagination, thank you very much). I realized I was sitting there with this goofy grin on my face. I was just enjoying the simple things, things I hadn't done for probably 20 years or more, things I only did as a kid, ya know? Back when life was easier, responsiblities were few, playing out in the sun was a daily occurance, and the humidity wasn't unbearable on a regular basis!

Oh, where did those days, and the innocence that accompanied them, and yet the optimism and confidence, also, that all was right with the world and always would be...were did they all go?

POLT = listening to "Hold Me" by Fleetwood Mac

Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar. - Drew Carey


Mike said...

I have posted me almost nude again! Please tell others! BTW, great blog!

Anonymous said...

I like the cloud picture. I see a large penis chasing a naked guy across the sky. What do you think that means? Hey, you took the picture. I remember as a child days when I would do nothing but lay looking up at the clouds watching them change shapes and wondering just how far away the were. Seeing the stars at night and wondering how far away they are. Maybe I should have been a Surveyor.

katarina said...

I totally agree. Sunday was the best day we've had for a long time. I even played croquet.

Ryan said...

love the pic kinda reminds me of the past week with my bf! thanx so much polt 4 the support u give us on our blog!

Polt said...

Mike: YAY, you're back!

Ed: I have no idea what that means...something Freudian, I'm sure.

Katarina:Croquet? Oh MAN, I haven't played that in YEARS! Now I want to.....

Ryan: Glad everything went well. Glad to see you're back. And by the way, that little guy dancing as your that how YOU dance. :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fantastic day! Once in a while we "adults" will let ourselves slip back into being kids again. It is so satisfying.

I wish you 10,000 more days like the one you described bro.


Anonymous said...

AWESOME PHOTO! Your blog is really great! Very interesting & entertaining! :o) I love the photos you post!

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.