Thursday, July 06, 2006

Life's a snippet, one way ticket...

Got a bunch of things I want to post about, but none of them are really big enough for an individual post, SO, I give you, again: Snippets (part 2)

Overheard at work yesterday: "Why are you in that wheelchair? Where's your leg at?" Said in a scolding tone. *SIGH*....the things you hear at my work.

My friend, and Palace reader and commentor, Amie, is pregnant! She's due in January. Whoo-hoo. Congrats to her and Shane, the father to be. And I'll not even mention that I figured it out about three before I was allowed to know.

This morning, I managed to catch a video on MTV (Yeah, I guess you gotta be watching before 7:00am to see any videos anymore). It was a new (!) Def Leppard song, a remake of "Rock On". Just a couple of questions...does anyone want to hear a remake of "Rock On"? BUt more importantly, does anyone want to hear new Def Leppard????

There's a guy I work with Tommy. He's got a wife and two daughters, but he does all the cooking. About a year or more ago, he told me that when he makes spaghetti, he always make too much and they have to throw it out. I told him, don't waste it, bring it to me, I'll eat it! I was joking. He apparently didn't think I was. He brought in a small container of spaghetti and sauce, and it was pretty good. Then over time, it became the jar that the pasta suace came in. he gave that to me, filled to the brim with spaghetti and sauce. Now, just today, he hands me a tupperware container packed FULL of the stuff. He said there was too much to fit in the jar, so he used this. I think I'll be able to get three meals out of it, that's how much there is. I can only wonder, HOW can you accidently cook THAT much too much? I think he's just making extra for me, which is really sweet. So I dont say anything, I just take it enjoy it, and thank him.

The last two days, the weather has been BEAUtiful! The humidity disappeared, thank God. Yesterday, I had the whole apartment all shut up in case it had rained. When I got home, it wasn't even stuffy. I didn't open a window, or turn on the a/c and it was very comfortable. Today, it was the same thing, although I did open the place up cause there was a nice breeze. And i had to put socks on my feet, they were so cold. Now THIS, this is the way summer should be. Forget all the humidity and heat!

You do realize, don't you, that we're only one hurricane away from $5.00 a gallon gasoline. Just wait, before the end of the year, we'll have been within a quarter of $5.00 a gallon. Damn greedy oil execs.

I managed to see a bit of only ONE World Cup game. England was playing some team, Ghana maybe, and they were tied and supposed going into penatly kick phase, or something, but right before, David Beckham kicked a goal in. And the place went wild. Yeah, Beckham, he's nice to look at and all, but in Europe, he's like every gay man's dream (or so I read) and frankly, I don't think he's all that. Must be a cultural thing.

Amie (the afore mentioned pregnant friend) informed me today that one of the things on my list of 125 things i did not do, apparently I had one thing that I did do. #111, never kissing a Mormon. Well, she told me Adam was Mormon. I didn't know that he was (but i know he was a DAMN fine kisser, among other things), so I guess it's still true, cause I wrote as far as i knew. So I'll leave the list intact. But now I can think about Adam some more.

Okay, you all know I check my blogs at work ( I mean, who doesn't?), and everything was great. Then several weeks ago, I couldn't access Fresh N Tasty, it was blocked. And why? What was the reason? Porn. PORN! Christ, I'VE shown more pornographic stuff on the Palace than Donnie ever showed there. But nonetheless, it was gone. Then a few weeks after that, one of my favorite reads in all of blogdom, DC Gays Of Our Lives, was blocked. The reason? Adult. What the hell does ADULT mean? Dale never posts pictures, and he's not ever really even risque. Just hellishly funny. But that too was blocked. Then, today, i get to work and Puntabulous is blocked, and again,becauyse of ADULT! WTF??? C'Mon, there's no way Puntabulous is adult! I mean, even his sense of humor is juvenile! He's got such great photo-stories!

This is wrong, ALL wrong! I lose these three, but yet can still go to or It's just not right!

POLT - listening to "Express Yourself" by Madonna

Oh my God, that's the best. I want you to trip like I do. - Crystal Method, "Trip Like I Do"


katarina said...

I saw Def Leppard on Regis and Kelly last week singing Rock On and Pour Some Sugar On Me. They were using the mic stands to hold themselves up. They had to take a Geritol break between songs. I think once you're gone, why make a comeback 20 years later? Def needs to hang it up and go play with the grandkids.
I'd like to remember them the way they were.

Polt said...

All I kept thinking was, "What in the HELL were they thinking?"

It's sad.