Saturday, July 01, 2006

I found my Superman, I found my Superman...

Ghostie called me and told me a number of people who used to work at Borders are going to see Superman tomorrow. He asked me if I wanted to go. I thought about it, and decided sure, why not? I can sleep through the last 20 minutes, right?

Anyway, someone at work today asked me why I like Superman so much. I came up with things like: He was the first real superhero. He the epitome of superheroes, the "boy scout" who protects everyone and doesn't kill. And I've got a tattoo of his S on my shoulder.

But I got to thinking, why DO I like Superman so much. And then I came to me:

I like Superman so much, cause so many others do, and I just like seeing them wearing the 'S'.

hehehhe, nah, not really, but it DID give me an excuse to post all those photos, right?

POLT = listening to "Basketcase" by Green Day

Be honest, don't you find there's something really attractive, and, well, moving about a fifteen year old boy? - Devon, The Coming Storm


Anonymous said...

mmmm ... I am lusting after #2 at the moment

katarina said...

Helloooooo Superman!

tornwordo said...

Great shots. I want to see a pic of your tatoo.

Anonymous said...

I want a guy who is Super on the inside. Looks fade and everyone grows old, but a kind heart is forever. Oh, and you can quote me.

Polt said...

Bella: only #2???

Katarina: Indeed!

Tornwordo: done and done. :)

Ed: yeah, your'e right....but a old guy with faded looks and a kind heart just ain't that much fun to look at when he's posted on someone's blog. :)