Thursday, July 06, 2006

We're just knocked out, we heard about the sell out...

Well, kiddies, Uncle Polt has gone and done it. he's sold out. You might have noticed some changes. At the top of blog are now two ads. Yep, I'm now posting ads on the Palace. God, is nothing sacred anymore???

I had seen this stuff on other people's blogs, but never really paid any attention to them. And then, this past Sunday Mr. David Franceschina asked me if I was ever going to do that, was I going to sell out. I told him no. but I thought about it for the next couple days, and he was right. It doesn't cost me anything (except my intergrity) , it doesn't cost you anything to click on them, and I might just get some money out of the deal. And with gas being what it is, hell, I can used every penny I can find!

So, if you feel like you wanna use Google sometime to find something, instead of going there directly, come to the Palace and type your search in above and click on it that way. You'll still get all the same results, you'll just see that a few coins fall my way as well.

(God, can I GET any more blatant? Or pathetic sounding? I'm whoring my self respect out there for all to see to the highest bidder. My dignity is now officially gone. Personally, I blame Mr. David Franceschina. Damn him! Him and all his ilk! Damn them all to hell! Yeah, it was him...or the Polt Chaos. Whichever).

POLT = listening to "You Promised Me" by Ingrid

Self described liberals have more sex than self described moderates or conservatives.


Anonymous said...

mwhhaaa mwhaaaa...this is how it thing you know you'll be voting for Rice in 08!I'm so proud!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, now do you think the minimum wage is holding America back and the Corporations are paying way too much in taxes? Say it ain't so!

J said...

I celebration of your selling out, I went through and checked out every advertiser you have on your page... although chosen from some google response, I think my clickthrus just earned you a buck... so much for minimum wage.

Thanks for the comments, now I'm gonna go read what else you've been typing about...


Mags said...

Hey now, I have officially made like, $4 off my blog ever since I started putting ads on mine, like, a year ago.

I'm gonna get rich off this blogging stuff, by god!

Polt said...

Mr. David Franceschina: I'll vote for her right after YOU vote for the Democrat instead of Bushie...oh wait, you already DID that! (mwhahahahahah)

Ed: It most assuredly is NOT so. :)

J: well thank you so much, sir. And I hope you enjoyed what else you read. Please come back often!

Mags: Oh, well hell then, I'll just sit back and wait for the riches to ROLL in! Hope I dont have to open another bank account for all these funds...