Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Satanic mechanic...

I had a very nice printed out story about this particular issue, it had quotes, and humor, and human interest, and THEN, Blogger, YES Blogger, decided to go on the rag, and fuck me with my pants on. It seems I have lost everything i had typed up. It's gone. Thanks to Blogger. I am SO PISSED.

So, condensed version: I took my car in for an oil change, it needed brakes too and $468.10 later, it's all taken care of.

GOD, I am so pissed! And NOT about the brakes (although that is a bit frustrating) but about the damn BLOGGER fucking everything up! ARRGGHHH!!

POLT = not listening to anything, cause I had to shut every thing down when fucking Blogger deicded to fuck me over, and i haven't turned the fucking iTunes back on yet

Doesn't it ever wake you in the middle of the night, the feeling that someday they will pass that foolish law, or one just like it, and come for you can your children? - Magneto, X-Men


Anonymous said...

Oh damn dear Polt I do so love your Quotes, and humor and the human interest shit is always good but the fact that you took that Jalopy in for an OIl change and "Got fucked with my pants on" is enough to make any one throw a fit then to have Blogger tell you to put on the brakes cause they ain't gonna print your story even with its quotes and humor and human interest stories is so like the worst day of your life and I am so sorry. Now, turn on your itunes and listen to Sinatra, or Torme or whoever and just chill out okay sir. Just relax and take deep breaths and in the morning every thing will seem better. (I so could have been a famous reporter since I see everything so clearly and accuratly.)

.- said...

there oughta be a law ....
yeah - so sometimes I look at my click in history to see how someone found me - one person came in from a site:

YES - I too got a little weak in the knees as I quickly clicked over.
I saw NOTHING erected, being erected or worth erecting.

The Persian said...

In the past every time I get a little ahead in my bills, my car somehow senses it and either pops a tire, or figures a way to take my little nest egg and usually then some!


Sorry Buddy

Polt said...

Ed: Sinatra or Torme? before my time. I just put the iTunes on random and honest to GOD, the first song was "My Best Friends Girl" by...wait for it...THE CARS!

Velma: "I saw NOTHING erected, being erected or worth erecting" Pffft, well then I ain't wasting MY time checking it out. Damn false advertising.

Jason: Oh, cool! Kick em for me there too! Twice! Or even Thrice!

jvb: Well he's letting me pay him half now and half in two weeks when i get paid again, so it's not all gonna hit at once. but still...arghhh!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever listened to the oldies liek Jesse's Girl? It goes like, I wish I had Jesse's girl. Every time I hear that song I think Hell, I wish I had Jesse! Which brings me to my point and I do have one, "My best friends girl" Girl? how about my best friend? Who needs girls? Mel Torme and Sinatra are for all time and forever. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire... I know I'm living in a time warp but I am a hoosier and we naturally live about 30 years behind the rest of the world.